Buy the family ticket [2 Adults+ 2 child] ONSITE and ONLINE. Please note: 30 March, the museum will only be open from 11am-1pm due to inaccessibility due to the Venloop 2025.

Requests regarding the collection

Request for information or image material

Do you have a request for information or image material about an object from our collection?
We prefer to receive the request by e-mail at

Loan Request

Under certain conditions, the Mission Museum lends objects from its collection to registered collegiate museums at home and abroad.

To request a loan

A loan request involves an administrative process. It is therefore important to submit the request at least two months before the start of the loan period. The conditions, including transport and insurance, security, climate/environmental requirements and exposure limits, can be obtained from the curator of the Mission Museum.

To Donate an Item

Would you like to donate an artifact to the Mission Museum? The Mission Museum is open to attractive additions to the collection but donations are always weighed against the collection policy plan. Please contact the curator to discuss the possibility of a donation.
