Buy the family ticket [2 Adults+ 2 child] ONSITE and ONLINE. Please note: 30 March, the museum will only be open from 11am-1pm due to inaccessibility due to the Venloop 2025.

Entrance fees

Admission Fees 2022

Adults: € 9,00
Juniors 4 to 17 yrs: € 5,00
Free: 0 to 3 yrs, Persons accompanying wheelchairs, Museum NL card and ICOM card.

Group admission
From 20 persons: € 8,50 pro person

School groups
Grade schools, from 20 persons: € 3,50 pro pupil
High schools, from 20 persons: € 4,50 pro student
Supervisors: free

At the desk

You can also pay with pin. But please note that that is only possible with a Dutch bank card.

Purchase your ticket online!

Simple, quick and safe.